Keynote Speaker

Prof. Eric Cheng
IEEE Fellow, Director, Power Electronics Research Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, ChinaSpeech Title: Topology and Formation of Current Source Step Down Resonant Switched Inductor Converters
Abstract: A current converter is discussed here that uses inductor based for the interim energy storage. A family of the circuits for step down conversion is examined for both non-inverting and inverting operations. The paper has disclosed the method of the generation so that any order of 1/n conversion ratio can be made. One of the features is to use two transistors only in common half-bridge style. The main contribution is its special current conversion capability and soft-switching because it eliminates switching loss and the spike in the devices using a resonant capacitor with the switched-inductor. The performance has been proved to work well for current bucking.
This is a new concept of the power converter and is an advanced development of the conventional switched-inductor converter, switched-capacitor and resonant converter. It is a duality of the switched-capacitor converter. The talk provides a theoretical approach for current source topology and its formation. It prepares for vast applications in the current source photovoltaic system and current mode system. The converter family has been confirmed by experiment and simulation. Benchmarking comparison with similar converters has been made and advanced features have been described. The proposed converter presents current mode research for increasing application in the coming decade.
The talk will discuss the new method of power conversion and the design method. The main feature and the advantage against all other converter will be presented. It represents a good alternative to the classical volate mode power converters and is a new energy system.
Biography: Prof Eric Cheng obtained his BSc and PhD degrees both from the University of Bath in 1987 and 1990 respectively. Before he joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1997, he was with Lucas Aerospace, United Kingdom as a Principal Engineer and led a number of power electronics projects.
He is the electrical designer for the Hong Kong 1st commercial electric vehicle in Hong Kong. He is also the designer for the 1st charging network in Hong Kong. He received the numerous awards related to electrical engineering, energy and automotive. He has published over 500 papers and 7 books. He has over 100 interviews by media on his research and development. He is now the professor and director of Power Electronics Research Centre of the university. His research interests are all aspects of power electronics, Power Quality, Renewable Energy, Motor Drives, Energy Storage, Energy Saving, Power Distribution, EMI, High Speed Rail, Electric Vessel, Electric Vehicle and Automotive advanced components. He is the recipient of the international award in Seoul International Invention Fair 2015 Gold prize for his contribution in super-capacitor to electric vehicles, 2016 iCAN Gold Medal for his contribution in active suspension, and Gold Award of Hong Kong Innovation and Technology in 2017 and Geneva’s Invention Expo Silver Award for his contribution in antilock braking system and top 20 Tera Award in 2021. Prof. Cheng is a chartered engineer and a fellow of IEEE and IET.